Work Night's Out

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Angela's Wedding 2003

Colin and his wife Val

Davie and Jean

The blushing bride and 'just' colin!

Donald and Stephen - oh dear!

Alan and his wife Grace

John and wife Isobel

Stephen's Leaving Do - Crystal Palace June 25th 2004

Stephen and Elizabeth

Very emotional and ok yes drunk too!

Giving his leaving speech at the coliseum (that's how old the jokes are)

The gormless look (quite suits him too)

SDC and hangers on Christmas Night Out 2003

A good joke being told me thinks!

Help yourself why not??

Angela and David

Watch you don't fall off the chair now!

Aw Sweet! Jonathan and John

How many pints had he had?? Tracy and Davie

Sally and the photographer! In front of the camera again!

A real look of shock!! Scott and Margaret!

A very jolly Angela and Donald!

Alan David and Tracy

Stephen and Alan

What you can't see is that Angela's shoes match her bag! Soooo Carrie Bradshaw!

Looking Gooood Scotty boy!!

Angela, Tracy (stop trying to hide!) and Davie

Margaret and Stephen

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